Here's some random ramblings and a few photos for your enjoyment. Lol.
I'm too old for this

Then I also said the same thing about Social Media and blogging - and I still feel that way sometimes. I'm too old for Facebook. I'm too old for Twitter. Doh. Just Friend or Follow me. :p
But even American Idol thinks I'm too old. Hehe. They have an age limit of 28.
The truth is, though, I am not too old for anything. YOU are not too old for anything. We should not be held back by those numbers, damn it! OK. I'm not too old to do a jumping / flying shot on the beach with my older sister who is also not to too old! :D
I was born at midnight
Random. I bet you didn't know I was born right at the stroke of midnight. Or well, at least that's what's written on my birth certificate. My mom says the clock they used as basis might (just might) have been a few minutes advanced. Hehehe.
I was a hyperactive kid. Exhibit A...