Monday, March 12, 2012

My Awesome Virtual 30th Birthday Party

Turned 30

Welcome to my virtual birthday party!

In *real life* my Tatay, my wife Liz and I went to Sandalford Winery in Swan Valley (Western Australia), where we had a sumptuous lunch and enjoyed some wine tasting. We later went to Nguyen Phat in Girrawheen to this huge Asian supermarket. We were in "panic buying" mode (hehe) and bought everything from Silver Swan Soy Sauce and Datu Puti vinegar, to Boy Bawang and Barrio Fiesta bagoong.

In the Philippines, my Nanay and my aunts and cousins ordered some pizza and a cake and sang me a birthday song over Skype video and blew my cake for me. Awesome! My sisters got in the act as well, singing (typing) on Skype. (Ain't Skype grand?)

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

I'm turning 30!

Turning 30

Hello to all the (loyal) readers of! Guess what? I'm turning 30 on Sunday! And in celebration of my birthday, I'm treating myself to a virtual party on my blog, and you're all invited. :)

I'm putting together a collage of photos with people holding up a sign saying "Happy Birthday" to me. (Simple joys, haha!) and I'd like you to send me one of YOURS [email:].  I would really appreciate it if you could! That would be really awesome. 

I will post all the photos on this blog (with a link to your website/blog if you're a blogger). ;) 

Thanks in advance!