AMC's The Walking Dead Season 1
So I watched the whole Season 1 of AMC's "
The Walking Dead" last Saturday (until about 4am the following day) and have been thinking about zombies for a week now. No nightmares so far, but my thoughts have, of late been returning to zombie attacks and possible escape routes. I mean, will we be able to tell when a zombie will attack? Heck no! So we should be prepared right? Right? :p
What would I do if
the walking dead suddenly attacks me right here, right now, while doing some random thing?
It's a zombie! Wah! |
What to do if a zombie attacks you while you're jogging
I was jogging the other day. It was evening and the curb I needed to take was dark because the lampost oddly flickered off whenever a car passed by. I wondered, what would I do if a Zombie suddenly attacked me right here, right now, while doing some random thing like jogging? Hmmm....