Paparazzi photo #1: Capture the silence
This photo, I took using the macro view and adjusting it to the flowers. I also filtered to show only yellow. :D What I like about this photo is that the the white silences the whole scene, highlighting the solemnity of the ceremony.
2 more photos below...
Paparazzi photo #2: Capture the smiles
"You may now kiss the bride." says the priest. And while everyone else was cheering, the bride and groom kiss - the priest looks on fondly, with a smile on his face.Paparazzi photo #3: Capture the happiness
During the picture taking portion after a wedding, each group from either side of the newly wedded couple is called to have their photo taken with the bride and groom.Fantastic shots were taken of the couple with their families and friends, but photos like this one above, natural and unforced, I think capture the most authentic of smiles - that of real happiness.

Nahawa? LOL, ayos nga yun eh. You're now a blogger, singer... and photographer! :D