Saturday, August 01, 2009

How to prepare for your first Bloggers meet

Next week, I will be attending my first ever bloggers meet - the awarding ceremonies for the Top Emerging Influential Bloggers for 2009, and I am at a loss for how to prepare for it. But being the (mild) OC that I am, I have decided to make a list of things to do, to bring, to internalize and externalize (lol) for the bloggers meet.
Feel free to add your suggestions and your advice in the comments section below!

What to bring:
- Bring a pen and a small notebook, in case you have to write down names and blogs.
- Bring your blogging card with your blog's name and website on it. (lol! I did not know how to call it - it can't be a calling card right?)
- Bring your camera!
- Bring enough cash for taxi and coffee. (Because people will probably be having coffee after that!)
- Bring an ID in case you need to "authenticate" your identity. Or to prove that you're above 18. (we'll be in a Casino after all, you might want to try some slot machines)

What to think about before going:
- Have an agenda - what is your objective in going to the bloggers meet? Is it just to meet your new blogger friends? Is it to tell everyone about your blog to gain more traffic? Is it to learn new insights and technologies for blogging? Is it for the free food? All of the above?
- After you've identified your priorities, set up actions to achieve your objectives. (i.e. the cards?)
- Think of questions you want to be answered - by the hosts, by your blogging peers, by the sponsors, etc. I'm sure they will let you ask questions.

What to do during the event proper:
- Dress appropriately, in case you get called to the stage to receive a raffle prize. Powder your nose, wear some cologne, comb your hair and brush your teeth. :D (This is more for my benefit, lol!)
- Arrive a little after the scheduled start time. It's not cool to be the first one to arrive. (hehe, this applies to all parties!) Also, don't be the last to leave. Instead, go for coffee. :D
- Be friendly, be open, be nice: smile, shake hands, and talk talk talk.
- Talk some more. Don't limit discussions on blogging.
- Listen to the speakers, you might learn a thing or two.

The 2009 Emerging Influential Bloggers meet will be on August 8, Saturday, 6PM to 11PM at the Forum Hall, Casino Filipino, PIRC Bldg. Ninoy Aquino Avenue, ParaƱaque City. If you are planning to attend, you should confirm your attendance HERE!

See you all soon!

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  1. Awesome tips Rey! Bring a video cam too then post them to Youtube or Vimeo.

    Recent blog:=- New Tools And Old Ways For Marketers. So What?

  2. Nice tips, he he.. I want the free food.. lol!

    Do I really have to powder my nose only? hee hee..

    Too bad I can't come, though I have my entry.. It's my bestfriend's bridal shower.

    Recent blog:=- Twitter Time!

  3. See you! Hey! Did you notice I was able to make the Blog title disappear on the title bar. Now only the post title remains! Hehe!

    Recent blog:=- How to prepare for your first Bloggers meet

  4. Cool! I will cheer the loudest when they call your names. :D

    Recent blog:=- How to prepare for your first Bloggers meet

  5. Thanks Rob. Aren't you flying in? Lol.

    Recent blog:=- How to prepare for your first Bloggers meet

  6. You have your priorities straight! :D Hehe! All the best for your bestfriend!

    Recent blog:=- How to prepare for your first Bloggers meet

  7. talagang handang handa ka na sa even na 'to.. hehe

    hope to see you all soon! :D

    Recent blog:=- A Story Plus Some Photos of Our Flowerhorn Fish

  8. Hello Rey, yes bring a video cam and upload it later at you tube, so everyone can view it. Perhaps the awardees will want to bring too, this is for posterity's sake.

    A momentous event in one's blogging career like this one should be documented properly.

    May the force be with you , young Padawan. :)

    Recent blog:=- My Picks for the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs - (complete list)

  9. Oh, don't forget celphone so you can tweet all nyte long. 8-)

    Recent blog:=- High Schooler Pretending To Be A Girl, Criminally Accused

  10. wahaha, di pa ako nakapag pa print ng calling/blogging cards@ waaah!

    see you there kelvin!

    Recent blog:=- I sang for President Cory Aquino, for the first and the last time

  11. @JenaIsle I've figured out how to do the video thing, so I just might post a video on Youtube. No editing skills whatsoever though, so it will be raw footage! =D

    Recent blog:=- I sang for President Cory Aquino, for the first and the last time

  12. oh cool! See you there Ada! I get to Congratulate you guys in person! :D

    Recent blog:=- I sang for President Cory Aquino, for the first and the last time

  13. @Zorlone will be our official Twitterer, lol! Right Doc? Haha! see you there!

    Recent blog:=- I sang for President Cory Aquino, for the first and the last time

  14. wahaha! Guest ka na naman Doc! :-P

    Recent undefined:=-

  15. Keep in mind that it's not cool, when you're THROWING a party, to have all your guests competing not to be the first to arrive. Not cool at all. Don't stress your host by arriving TOO fashionably late! (I'd get revenge by announcing all the winners in the first ten minutes and say "You must be present to win.")

    Recent blog:=- My HOT Date! (27th Anniversary Today)

  16. Happy Anniversary! yay!

    Haha, I agree, it's not cool if everyone arrived late. So hopefully not everyone takes my advice. Haha!

    Recent blog:=- I sang for President Cory Aquino, for the first and the last time

  17. Yippee, waaa, I'm not sure though if will make it. see yah Rey! 8-)

    Recent blog:=- Let’s Go Surfing in La Union!

  18. I hope it does make it!!! :D :D
    see you there Ada.

    Recent undefined:=-

  19. Agenda? I have no agenda. Except to be with friends - at long last! And to consume what's there to be consumed. I just hope that the food agrees with my provincial tastes. Ahehehehe.

    But I have no calling cards. I'm only prepared to sign autographs. But for five minutes only. Ahahaha. Nice post - I've enjoyed this Rey.

    Recent undefined:=-

  20. I'd prefer to be early. If there are assigned seats to everybody, I'd make sure I swipe the name cards of my detractors. Bahala sila sa buhay nila. Ahehehe. No, just kidding. Ito ba namang bait kong ire may kaaway pa? Di ah.

    Hey, Rey. JS-Kit looked different. What happened. Is this Echo already? Should I shout now and see if it works? ",)

    Recent undefined:=-

  21. Hehe, who are you going with Lolo Jan? Anyway, I'll try to find you when I arrive, mukhang mauuna ka sa akin. :p

    Yes! This is the new Echo. I think it's nice. :D Let's try it out shall we....
    Echo!!! koh! koh! koh! :P =-O

    Recent undefined:=-

  22. Rey, get everyone there to say hi to me on video, since I can't be there! :)

    Best of luck to you all!

    Recent undefined:=-

  23. Okay, I think I might not have enough time to get a website card to give away to the new peeps I will meet. I hope they can remember my short url. ehehe.

    See you there Mr. Groban!


    Recent blog:=- Gradual Move

  24. I am so envy now with you can finally meet each other and other blogggers too. I have already informed Janette that I could not come to the event. My hubby will have an OT on that day so I have to stay and look after the kids.. :(

    Kindly make updates on twitter nalang. hehehe,,, enjoy and have fun all you guys!

    Mommy MJ

  25. Don't forget to bring yourselves guys! Walang indyanan ! hehehe :-P SeeYah!

  26. What do you mean you have no agenda? :p
    Here's the agenda you outlined above o:
    1. Be with friends, at long last!
    2. Consume all consumables.
    3. Sign autographs for 5 minutes. :p


    Recent :=-

  27. nakow doc. maikli ang memory ko... anu nga ba name mo? Guest? :p hehehe. =-O

    Recent :=-

  28. oops, tama ka jhongmed. i keep forgetting myself. wahaha! ;)

    Recent :=-

  29. It's business card reyjr. Hehehe.

    Recent blog:=- DDoS Attack Shoots Down Twitter

  30. ganun ba yun? Hehehe.
    I've had some printed last night. yehey!

  31. Hi Reyjr! It was nice meeting you bro!

    Recent blog:=- Cory Aquino: A Humble Poem Tribute
