Yep, the Philippine Science High School (PSHS or Pisay) is now accepting applications for Scholars for SY 2010-2011. PSHS Admission Exams will be on November 7, 2009.
On their website, it says: "The one-time screening is composed of scholastic aptitude test (SAT) which is designed to measure Scientific Ability, Quantitative Ability, Abstract Reasoning and Verbal Aptitude."
I reminisce...
During our time (lol, "our time" like it was more than 10 years ago... holy sh*t, it IS more than 10 years ago!) we had to take 2 exams. I remember there were 7 of us who took the first screening, 7 because you had to be in the top 10% of your graduating class to be able to take the exam at all. Three or four of us passed the first screening.
The second screening was even more difficult, focused only on Science and Math. I was so lost with the algebra questions! (at the time, I had no idea that "x" could be a variable instead of a multiplication symbol! hehe.)
A few months later, the results came out just in time to celebrate it with my graduation. I remember it like it was yesterday, my dad went by Pisay on Agham Rd. to check the boards

My mind went blank at that moment, I started shouting and jumping and laughing hysterically. LMAO!
It is a great memory indeed.
Now, for those who want to take the PSHS National Competitive Exams, fill up the application form linked HERE and submit to your respective campuses. Deadline for filing of application is on August 31, 2009.
Some quick tips for those taking the Philippine Science High School Admission Exams:
1. Stay calm. Don't panic. Forget for those few hours that the people you are competing with for a slot in the top 240 are the top students from all the elementary schools in the Philippines. Forget it! If you can. (hehe!)
2. Bring snacks, but don't eat or drink if you are not hungry or thirsty. Mind your diet.
3. Hehe, OK those first 2 are jokes. Seriously, just study hard, and do your best.
PSHS is a great school with challenges and opportunities to hone your skills and sharpen your mind. Come to the exams prepared. And you are fortunate enough to get through, be prepared for one heck of an education. Hehe!
Good luck to everyone!
Incidentally, 2009 is our Jubilarian Year this year, 2009 marks our batch's 10th year as alumni. I'm excited to attend the Homecoming in September. :D

Some notes on the photos:
1. Photo of the poster for the movie "Pisay" by alumnus Aureaus Solito.
2. Some of my Pisay batchmates who also watched the movie.
UPDATE 21-Jan-10: Philippine Science High School Nov 7, 2009 Entrace Exam Passers LIST HERE

Well, goodluck sa mga magtatake ng exam :)) Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteAng sweet naman ng style ng pagkakasabi ng father mo na pumasa ka. ROFL. hahaha.
Nice tips. Esp the first two. haha XD
Recent blog:=- Creation in a Reverse Way
Hehehe Sweet ba? I guess it didn't matter HOW he said it, I was laughing and cheering - almost rolling on the ground with glee. hehe.