Oble - UP Oblation
The Oblation is the symbol of the University of the Philippines, the university I went to for my Engineering degree. I have so many wonderful memories of UP. It was where I met my girlfriend of course. Haha.
Described by the sculptor himself, Guillermo E. Tolentino:
"The completely nude figure of a young man with outstretched arms and open hands, with tilted head, closed eyes and parted lips murmuring a prayer, with breast forward in the act of offering himself, is my interpretation of that sublime stanza..."
The statue used to be completely nude, but was modified and covered the genital area with a fig leaf.
I am Oble
Here's a photo of me in my Barong Tagalog after my Graduation back in 2006. :D Oh the memories!

100 Oblations Photo from:
Aleli in Wonderland
A Theme Thursday Post